Hanging aprons out to dry
I am a retired High School Ceramics teacher. I began teaching at 25 and have been retired for nine years. Since retiring I have had the opportunity to begin thinking about the processes I truly enjoy. While teaching high school I felt I had to know all the different processes, and glazing and firing techniques. I now use Porcelain exclusively, and fire in a reduction atmosphere I have always been interested in the processes available to add imagery to clay.
I have begun using a printer that allows imagery to stay black. The toner in the cartridge is Black Iron Oxide. I also have a separate printer I use for the sepia tone process. I have just begun using a laminator to apply a cover coat to the printed imagery. I also use vintage decals and luster. I hope to begin adding China Paints as part of my process.
I often find myself torn between mediums. I enjoy silversmithing and do this when I take breaks from Ceramics. Jewelry is almost always more profitable, but I find myself coming back to the rhythm of creating in clay.
Entertainment in the studio
So much to listen to, so little time!